How to Avoid Having a Water Damage Claim Denied
When dealing with water damage to a home, there are certain instances that are and aren’t covered by insurance. We here at Built felt it was important to touch on this topic. Each situation is unique but there are certain guidelines that can help a homeowner decide whether or not to file an insurance claim. As always, it is important to know the wording in your policy to determine your coverage, as well.
In general, most water damage covered by insurance is categorized as “sudden and accidental.”
Examples of of sudden and accidental damage are burst pipes, appliance malfunctions, tubs or sinks overflowing accidentally, and bathroom fixture malfunctions. As long as the damage has not occurred over a period of time and is unexpected, your insurance should be implemented.
Gradual damage or damage that has occurred over time is usually a situation where insurance coverage will be denied. Examples of this include plumbing, faucets, or pipes leaking over time, seepage from cracks in a foundation, deteriorating parts of a roof, poor repairs, or lack of repairs to a home. Unless there is wording in your policy or you have purchased insurance to cover these situations, usually gradual damage over a long period of time is not covered. Even if the damage has suddenly appeared to you, if it is determined that the damage has occurred over a long period of time, then it can be difficult for a claim to be covered.
We here at Built know that insurance coverage regarding water damage is unique to each situation and often can be confusing. We hope this information helps and also will happily assess any damage you feel your home has incurred. Using our tools and knowledge we can help you decide the right path that leads to your home being put back in order.